Sunday, July 29, 2007


KITCHEN TABLE COUNSELING by Muriel Cook and Shelly Cook Volkhardt, Navpress is a must for your women. It is subtitled as a Practical and Biblical Guide forWomen helping others.

We had the privilege of having Muriel come to the LIFT (see website Summer Seminar. Muriel has been teaching and speaking for many years, but her presentation was as warm and fresh as if it was being shared for the first time. Her life experience contributes to her wisdom of course, but the lingering benefit to me what the deeply scripture approach she has to serving others.
Let me quote a few do's and don'ts from her book:

Do meet a woman at her house, restaurant, or a car.
Don't invite her to your home.

Do listen to see if her thinking is correct. Biblical. Make her face the Truth.
John 8:32 The truth will set you free.

Do make them responsible for their own decisions.
Don't take that responsibility on yourself. Example:
If the Bible says it, do it. If not in the Bible say:

'If I were you, I would do this, but that is your decision.'

Don't submit to a driving force to help everyone.
See John 5:1-9 the man at the pool of Bethesda.
Luke 5:15, 16 Great multitudes came. Jesus slipped away to pray.

DO ask God, "Send me the person YOU want me to help."

1 comment:

siesta said...

Hi Daisy,

Paul and I have been talking about you lately. So I googled your name and WALLA there you were! Great may take me all day to absorb all this good stuff. Thanks so much. So when are you coming to Florida? Would be great to get together if you are out this way. Lots of catching up.

Esther Baxendale
Bradenton, Florida